A Tale of Two Newburghs: Gentrification and Its Contradictions (inteview with Richard Ocejo) ChronogramRichard KreitnerMay 17, 2024gentrification, art, hudson valley, interviews
Forget the Musical—Alexander Hamilton’s Real Legacy is the Poverty-Stricken City He Founded Richard KreitnerFebruary 21, 2017gentrification, parks, history, capitalism, art
Let’s Not Forget Socialism in the Resurrection of Socialist Art The NationRichard KreitnerMay 12, 2016art, socialism, history
Will the Los Angeles River Become a Playground for the Rich? The NationRichard KreitnerMarch 10, 2016art, gentrification, parks, history, the west, rivers
Henry James, Photography, and New York RaritanRichard KreitnerSeptember 1, 2015photography, literature, new york city, technology, art, travel
Stereoscopes Could Change How We See the World—Again The Boston GlobeRichard KreitnerAugust 16, 2015photography, art, technology
Burning Down the House (review of two books on the Chelsea Hotel) The NationRichard KreitnerJuly 7, 2014book reviews, new york city, literature, art, gentrification, capitalism, music