What Time Is It?: Here’s What the 2016 Election Tells Us About Obama, Trump, and What Comes Next (interview with Stephen Skowronek) Richard KreitnerNovember 22, 2016interviews, history, elections, presidents, trump
When the North Almost Seceded Richard KreitnerOctober 28, 2016secession, trump, constitution, slavery, abolitionism
Chatting with The Bowery Boys on NYC History, Podcasts and More (w/ Brahna Siegelberg) Brooklyn MagazineRichard KreitnerAugust 1, 2016interviews, new york city
Jefferson: Hero or Villain? It’s Complicated (interview with Annette Gordon-Reed and Peter S. Onuf) The Boston ReviewRichard KreitnerJune 7, 2016presidents, interviews, slavery
Let’s Not Forget Socialism in the Resurrection of Socialist Art The NationRichard KreitnerMay 12, 2016art, socialism, history
Will the Los Angeles River Become a Playground for the Rich? The NationRichard KreitnerMarch 10, 2016art, gentrification, parks, history, the west, rivers
Hillary Clinton and the Anti-Democratic Origins of American Politics The NationRichard KreitnerFebruary 8, 2016elections, constitution, articles of confederation
Do We Need a New Constitutional Convention? (interview with Sanford Levinson) The Boston ReviewRichard KreitnerDecember 29, 2015interviews, constitution, history
The Constitution Requires Inequality Richard KreitnerDecember 13, 2015constitution, socialism, articles of confederation, history
Curiouser and Curiouser: Gowanus, Brooklyn’s Curious Canal (review of Joseph Galloway's 'Gowanus') Brooklyn MagazineRichard KreitnerOctober 28, 2015book reviews, new york city, parks, rivers
Fog of War: Inside the Strange, Compelling World of Civil War Reenactments Brooklyn MagazineRichard KreitnerSeptember 4, 2015civil war, photography, slavery, monuments
Henry James, Photography, and New York RaritanRichard KreitnerSeptember 1, 2015photography, literature, new york city, technology, art, travel
Stereoscopes Could Change How We See the World—Again The Boston GlobeRichard KreitnerAugust 16, 2015photography, art, technology
A Road Trip That Predates Cars The Boston GlobeRichard KreitnerMay 31, 2015reconstruction, literature, the west, travel
Vigilance: On the Underground Railroad (review of Eric Foner’s Gateway to Freedom) The NationRichard KreitnerMay 11, 2015slavery, civil war, abolitionism, book reviews
The Echoes of Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps The Boston GlobeRichard KreitnerApril 19, 2015literature, civil war
This Long-Lost Constitutional Clause Could Save the Right to Vote Richard KreitnerJanuary 21, 2015civil war, reconstruction, history, constitution, slavery
On the Centennial of The New Republic The NationRichard KreitnerNovember 24, 2014liberalism, book reviews